Riccardo Mazza
owner Experimental Studios
Riccardo Mazza is a sound experimenter and professor at the High Perfection Music School of Saluzzo, known in Italy and abroad for his research in the field of psychoacoustics and the evaluation of spatial sound,
He's the owner of Experimnental Studios in Turin and founder of electronic A/V duo Project-TO with Laura Pol photographer and video-maker, author of numerous works in the world of art, culture and museums. In 1999-2000 he created the Renaissance FX Dolby Surround encoded library, the world's first collection of sound effects for film and television made in spatialised Dolby Surround, and some years later he created SoundBuilder, a software for spatial creation in 7.1 now available for free at www.soundbuilder.it
In 2018 he opened the Experimental Studios one of the most advanced a recording facility in EU officially listed Dolby ATMOS.